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FAC Number: 2025-02
Effective Date: 01/17/2025

Subpart 4.20 Prohibition on Contracting for Hardware, Software, and Services Developed or Provided by Kaspersky Lab

Subpart 4.20 Prohibition on Contracting for Hardware, Software, and Services Developed or Provided by Kaspersky Lab

4.2001 Definitions.

As used in this subpart—

Kaspersky Lab covered article means any hardware, software, or service that–

(1) Is developed or provided by a Kaspersky Lab covered entity

(2) Includes any hardware, software, or service developed or provided in whole or in part by a Kaspersky Lab covered entity; or

(3) Contains components using any hardware or software developed in whole or in part by a Kaspersky Lab covered entity.

Kaspersky Lab covered entity means–

(1) Kaspersky Lab;

(2) Any successor entity to Kaspersky Lab, including any change in name, e.g., “Kaspersky”;

(3) Any entity that controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with Kaspersky Lab; or

(4) Any entity of which Kaspersky Lab has a majority ownership.

4.2002 Prohibition.

Section 1634 of Division A of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018 (Pub. L. 115-91) prohibits Government use on or after October 1, 2018, of any hardware, software, or services developed or provided, in whole or in part, by a covered entity. Contractors are prohibited from—

(a) Providing any Kaspersky Lab covered article that the Government will use on or after October 1, 2018; and

(b) Using any Kaspersky Lab covered article on or after October 1, 2018, in the development of data or deliverables first produced in the performance of the contract.

4.2003 Notification.

When a contractor provides notification pursuant to 52.204-23, follow agency procedures.

4.2004 Contract clause.

The contracting officer shall insert the clause at 52.204-23, Prohibition on Contracting for Hardware, Software, and Services Developed or Provided by Kaspersky Lab Covered Entities, in all solicitations and contracts.

Far Parts