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FAC Number: 2025-02
Effective Date: 01/17/2025

List of Sections Affected

List of Sections Affected

FAC 2025-03 January 17, 2025
Section Description of Change Case Number
2.101 (a) in the definitions of " Conviction", Debarment" 2.101 Definitions., Suspending and debarring official", "Suspension" 2.101 Definitions.

Amend section 2.101 by— a. Revising the definition of “Conviction”;

b. In the definition of “Debarment”, removing “a debarring” and “is excluded is “debarred.” ” and adding “a suspending and debarring” and “is “debarred” is excluded.” in their places, respectively;

c. Adding in alphabetical order the definition of “Suspending and debarring official”; and

d. In the definition of “Suspension”, removing “suspending official” and “disqualified is “suspended.” ” and adding “suspending and debarring official” and “ “suspended” is disqualified.” in their places, respectively.

FAR Case 2019-015
2.101 (a) in the definition of Covered territory business,",

Amend section 2.101 by adding in alphabetic order the definition “Covered territory business”.

FAR Case 2023-001
3.104-7 (d)(3)

Amend section 3.104-7 by removing from paragraph (d)(3) “suspending or” and adding “suspending and” in its place.

FAR Case 2019-015
4.604 (b)(4)

Amend section 4.604 in paragraph (b)(4) by removing the text “contracting office” and “Post-Award” and adding “contracting officer” and “Postaward” in their places, respectively.

FAR Case 2020-016
8.405-5 (b)

Amend section 8.405-5 in paragraph (b) by removing the text “section 19.301-2(b)(2)” and adding “19.301-2(b)(3)” in its place.

FAR Case 2020-016
9.104-5 (b)(3)

Amend section 9.104-5 by removing from paragraph (b)(3) “suspending or” and adding “suspending and” in its place.

FAR Case 2019-015
9.104-6 (b)(4) and (c)

Amend section 9.104-6 by—

a. Revising paragraph (b)(4); and

b. Removing from paragraph (c) introductory text “debarred or suspended” and adding “debarred, suspended, or has agreed to a voluntary exclusion” in its place.

FAR Case 2019-015
9.402 (b), (d)

Amend section 9.402 by—

a. In paragraph (b):

i. Removing “sanctions” and adding “remedies” in its place; and

ii. Removing “set forth”; and

b. Removing from paragraph (d) “Interagency Committee on Debarment and Suspension” and “Section 873” and adding “Interagency Suspension and Debarment Committee” and “section 873” in their places, respectively.

FAR Case 2019-015
9.403 in the definition of ", in the definition of ", in the definition of ", 9.403 in the definition of "Nonprocurement Common Rule", in the definition of " and in the definition of "

Amend section 9.403 by—

a. Adding in alphabetical order the definition of “Administrative agreement”;

b. Revising the definition of “Civil judgment”;

c. Adding in alphabetical order the definition of “Conviction”; d. Removing the definition of “Debarring official”;

e. Adding a sentence to the end of the definition of “Nonprocurement Common Rule”;

f. Adding in alphabetical order the definition of “Pre-notice letter”;

g. Removing the definition of “Suspending official”; and

h. Adding in alphabetical order the definition of “Voluntary exclusion”.

FAR Case 2019-015
9.404 (b)(1), (c)(3)

Amend section 9.404 by—

a. Removing from paragraph (b)(1) “debarment, declared ineligible,” and adding “debarment, voluntarily excluded, declared ineligible,” in its place;

b. Removing from paragraph (c)(3) introductory text “exclusion accomplished by the Agency” and adding “exclusion, including each voluntary exclusion, accomplished by the agency” in its place; and

FAR Case 2019-015
9.405 (a) and (d)

Amend section 9.405 by— a. Revising paragraph (a); and

b. Removing from paragraph (d) “or proposed for debarment are” and adding “proposed for debarment, or voluntarily excluded, are” in its place.

FAR Case 2019-015
9.405-1 (a), (a)(1) and (a)(2)

Amend section 9.405-1 by—

a. Removing from paragraph (a) heading “ or proposed for debarment ” and adding “ proposed for debarment, or voluntarily excluded ” in its place;

b. Removing from paragraph (a)(1) “or proposed debarment of” and “or proposed for debarment unless” and adding “proposed debarment, or voluntary exclusion, of” and “proposed for debarment, or voluntarily excluded, unless” in their places, respectively; and

c. Removing from paragraph (a)(2) introductory text “or proposed for debarment, unless” and adding “proposed for debarment, or voluntarily excluded, unless” in its place.

FAR Case 2019-015
9.405-2 (a), (b) and (b)(4)

Amend section 9.405-2 by—

a. Removing from paragraph (a) “or proposed for debarment is” and adding “proposed for debarment, or voluntarily excluded, is” in its place;

b. Removing from paragraph (b) introductory text “or proposed for debarment, unless”, “or proposed for debarment as”, “Protecting the Government's Interests”, and “or Proposed for Debarment, to” and adding “proposed for debarment, or voluntarily excluded, unless”, “proposed for debarment, or voluntarily excluded, as”, “Protecting the Government's Interest”, and “Proposed for Debarment, or Voluntarily Excluded, to” in their places, respectively; and

c. Removing from paragraph (b)(4) “or proposed debarment” and adding “proposed debarment, or voluntary exclusion” in its place.

FAR Case 2019-015

Revise section 9.406-1.

FAR Case 2019-015

Amend section 9.406-2 by removing from the introductory text “The debarring” and adding “The suspending and debarring” in its place.

FAR Case 2019-015
9.406-3 (a), (b), (b)(1), (c), (d), (d)(1), (d)(2)(i), (d)(2)(ii), (d)(2)(iii), (e), (e)(1), (e)(1)(iv), (e)(2), (f)

Amend section 9.406-3 by—

a. Removing from paragraph (a) “the debarring official” and adding “the suspending and debarring official” in its place;

b. Revising the heading of paragraph (b), paragraphs (b)(1) and (c), the heading of paragraph (d), and paragraph (d)(1).

c. Removing from paragraph (d)(2)(i) “The debarring official” and adding “The suspending and debarring official” in its place;

d. Removing from paragraph (d)(2)(ii) “The debarring official” wherever it appears and adding “The suspending and debarring official” in its place;

e. Removing from paragraph (d)(2)(iii) “The debarring official's” and adding “The suspending and debarring official's” in its place;

f. Revising the heading of paragraph (e) and paragraph (e)(1) introductory text;

g. Removing from paragraph (e)(1)(iv) “9.406-1(c)” and adding “9.406-1(d)” in its place;

h. Removing from paragraph (e)(2) “the debarring official” and “by certified mail, return receipt requested” and adding “the suspending and debarring official” and “using the procedures in paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) of this section” in their places, respectively;

i. Revising paragraph (f); and

FAR Case 2019-015
9.406-4 (b), (c) and (c)(5)

Amend section 9.406-4 by—

a. Removing from paragraph (b) and paragraph (c) introductory text “The debarring official” and adding “The suspending and debarring official” in their places; and

a. Removing from paragraph (b) and paragraph (c) introductory text “The debarring official” and adding “The suspending and debarring official” in their places; and

b. Removing from paragraph (c)(5) “the debarring official” and adding “the suspending and debarring official” in its place.

FAR Case 2019-015
9.407-1 (a), (b)(1), (c), (e)(1) and (e)(2)

Amend section 9.407-1 by—

a. Removing from paragraph (a) “suspending official” and adding “suspending and debarring official” in its place;

b. Revising paragraph (b);

c. Removing from paragraph (c) introductory text “suspending official” and adding “suspending and debarring official” in its place;

d. Revising paragraph (e)(1); and

e. Removing from paragraph (e)(2) “FAR and FPMR” and adding “FAR and FMR” in its place.

FAR Case 2019-015
9.407-2 (a) and (c)

Amend section 9.407-2 by removing from paragraphs (a) introductory text and (c) “The suspending official” and adding “The suspending and debarring official” in their places.

FAR Case 2019-015
9.407-3 (a), (b), (b)(1), (b)(2), (c), (c)(1), (c)(6), (c)(7), (c)(8), (d), (d)(1), (d)(2)(i), (d)(2)(ii), (d)(2)(iii), (d)(3), (d)(4), (e), (e)(1), (e)(2), (e)(3), (f) and (g)

Amend section 9.407-3 by—

a. Removing from paragraph (a) “suspending official” and adding “suspending and debarring official” in its place;

b. Revising the heading of paragraph (b) and paragraph (b)(1);

c. Removing from paragraph (b)(2) introductory text “of Department of Justice advice, that” and adding “of advice from the Department of Justice, a U.S. Attorney's office, State attorney general's office, or a State or local prosecutor's office, that” in its place;

d. Removing from paragraph (c) introductory text “by certified mail, return receipt requested” and adding “using the procedures in 9.406-3(c)(1) and (2)” in its place;

e. Revising paragraph (c)(1);

f. Removing from the end of paragraph (c)(5) the word “and”;

g. Revising paragraph (c)(6);

h. Adding paragraphs (c)(7) and (8);

i. Revising paragraph (d) heading and paragraph (d)(1);

j. Removing from paragraph (d)(2)(i) “suspending official” and adding “suspending and debarring official” in its place;

k. Removing from paragraph (d)(2)(ii) “suspending official” wherever it appears and adding “suspending and debarring official” in its place;

l. Removing from paragraph (d)(2)(iii) “suspending official's” and adding “suspending and debarring official's” in its place;

m. Revising paragraphs (d)(3) and (4);

n. Adding a heading for paragraph (e);

o. Revising paragraphs (e)(1) and (2);

p. Removing from paragraph (e)(3) “suspending official” and adding “suspending and debarring official” in its place; and

q. Adding paragraphs (f) and (g).

FAR Case 2019-015
9.407-4 (a), (b) and (c)

Amend section 9.407-4 by—

a. Removing from paragraph (a) “of investigation”, “suspending official”, and “this subsection” and adding “of an investigation”, “suspending and debarring official”, and “this section” in their places, respectively;

b. Removing from paragraph (b) “Assistant Attorney General requests” and adding “office of a U.S. Assistant Attorney General, U.S. Attorney, or other responsible prosecuting official requests” in its place; and

c. Revising paragraph (c).

FAR Case 2019-015

Amend section 9.409 by removing the text “Protecting the Government's Interests when Subcontracting with Contractors Debarred, Suspended, or Proposed for Debarment, in” and adding “Protecting the Government's Interest when Subcontracting with Contractors Debarred, Suspended, Proposed for Debarment, or Voluntarily Excluded, in” in its place.

FAR Case 2019-015
16.505 (b)(9)

Amend section 16.505 in paragraph (b)(9) by removing the text “section 19.301-2(b)(2)” and adding “19.301-2(b)(3)” in its place.

FAR Case 2020-016
19.202-5 (c)

Amend section 19.202-5 in paragraph (c) introductory text by removing “Post Award” and adding “Postaward” in its place.

FAR Case 2020-016
19.301-2 (b), (b)(1)(i), (b)(1)(ii), (b)(2), (c), (d), (d)(2)(i), (d)(2)(ii) and (e)

Amend section 19.301-2 by—

a. Revising the section heading and paragraph (b) introductory text;

b. Removing from paragraphs (b)(1)(i) and (ii) “Post-Award” and adding “Postaward” in its place;

c. Redesignating paragraph (b)(2) as paragraph (b)(3); d. Adding a new paragraph (b)(2);

e. Adding headings to paragraphs (c) and (d);

f. Revising paragraphs (d)(2)(i) and (ii); and

g. Adding a heading to paragraph (e).

FAR Case 2020-016
19.302 (j)

Amend section 19.302 in paragraph (j) by removing “Post-Award” and adding “Postaward” in its place.

FAR Case 2020-016
19.309 (c)(1)

8. Amend section 19.309 in paragraph (c)(1) by removing “Post-Award” and adding “Postaward” in its place.

FAR Case 2020-016
19.702 (e)

Amend section 19.702 by adding paragraph (e).

FAR Case 2023-001
19.703 (a)(2)(i) and (a)(2)(ii)

Amend section 19.703 by revising paragraph (a)(2)(i) and paragraph (a)(2)(ii) introductory text

FAR Case 2023-001
19.704 (a)(9)

Amend section 19.704 by revising paragraph (a)(9).

FAR Case 2023-001
22.1504 (b)(2) and (b)(3)

Amend section 22.1504 by—

a. Removing from paragraph (b)(2) “The suspending official” and adding “The suspending and debarring official” in its place; and

b. Removing from paragraph (b)(3) “The debarring official” and adding “The suspending and debarring official” in its place.

FAR Case 2019-015
22.1704 (c)(2)(i)

Amend 22.1704 by removing from paragraph (c)(2)(i) introductory text “suspending or debarring” and adding “suspending and debarring” in its place.

FAR Case 2019-015
22.1802 (e)

Amend section 22.1802 by revising paragraph (e).

FAR Case 2019-015
25.206 (c)(4)

Amend section 25.206 by removing from paragraph (c)(4) “suspending or debarring” and “Subpart 9.4” and adding “suspending and debarring” and “subpart 9.4” in their places, respectively.

FAR Case 2019-015
25.607 (c)(4)

Amend section 25.607 by removing from paragraph (c)(4) “suspending or debarring” and adding “suspending and debarring” in its place.

FAR Case 2019-015
25.702-3 (b) and (c)

Amend section 25.702-3 by—

a. Removing from paragraph (b) “suspending official” and “Subpart” and adding “suspending and debarring official” and “subpart” in their places, respectively; and

b. Removing from paragraph (c) “The debarring” and “Subpart” and adding “The suspending and debarring” and “subpart” in their places, respectively.

FAR Case 2019-015
25.703-2 (b)(1), (b)(2) and (b)(3)

Amend section 25.703-2 by—

a. Removing from paragraph (b)(1) “commercial services, ” and adding “commercial services,” in its place;

b. Removing from paragraph (b)(2) “suspending official” and adding “suspending and debarring official” in its place; and

c. Removing from paragraph (b)(3) “The debarring official” and adding “The suspending and debarring official” in its place.

FAR Case 2019-015
26.505 (c)

Amend section 26.505 by removing from paragraph (c) “suspension and debarment” and adding “suspending and debarring” in its place.

FAR Case 2019-015
33.102 (b)(3)(iii)

Amend section 33.102 by removing from paragraph (b)(3)(iii) “debarment official” and “Subpart” and adding “suspending and debarring official” and “subpart” in their places, respectively.

FAR Case 2019-015
42.1501 (a)(5)

Amend section 42.1501 by revising paragraph (a)(5).

FAR Case 2023-001
52.209-6, (c), (d) and (d)(4)

Amend section 52.209-6 by—

a. Revising the section heading and clause title and date;

b. Removing from paragraph (c) “suspended, or proposed for debarment by” and adding “suspended, proposed for debarment, or voluntarily excluded, by” in its place;

c. Removing from paragraph (d) introductory text “or proposed for debarment” and adding “proposed for debarment, or voluntarily excluded” in its place; and

d. Removing from paragraph (d)(4) “suspension, or proposed debarment” and adding “suspension, proposed debarment, or voluntary exclusion” in its place.

FAR Case 2019-015
52.212-5, (b)(26)(i)

Amend section 52.212-5 in paragraph (b)(26)(i) by removing “Post-Award” and “(FEB 2024)” and adding “Postaward” and “(JAN 2025)” in their places, respectively.

FAR Case 2020-016
52.212-5 (b)(12), (b)(32), (b)(40),, (e)(1)(xix), and Alternate II

Amend section 52.212-5 by—

a. Revising paragraphs (b)(12), (32), and (40) and (e)(1)(xix); and

b. In Alternate II, revising the date of the alternate and paragraph (e)(1)(ii)(R).

FAR Case 2019-015
52.212-5 , (b)(20), (b)(21)(i), (b)(21)(v), (e)(1)(viii), and Alternate II

Amend section 52.212-5 by—

a. Removing from paragraph (b)(20) “(FEB 2024)” and adding “(JAN 2025)” in its place;

b. Removing from paragraphs (b)(21)(i) and (v) “(SEP 2023)” and adding “(JAN 2025)” in their places, respectively;

c. Removing from paragraph (e)(1)(viii) “(FEB 2024)” and adding “(JAN 2025)” in its place; and

d. In Alternate II:

i. Revising the date of the Alternate; and

ii. Removing from paragraph (e)(1)(ii)(H) “(FEB 2024)” and adding “(JAN 2025)” in its place.

FAR Case 2023-001
52.213-4 (a)(2)(vii)

Amend section 52.213-4 by—

a. Revising the date of the clause; and

b. Removing from paragraph (a)(2)(vii) “(NOV 2024)” and adding “(JAN 2025)” in its place.

FAR Case 2023-001
52.213-4 , (b)(1)(iii) and (b)(2)(ii)

Amend section 52.213-4 by revising paragraphs (b)(1)(iii) and (b)(2)(ii).

FAR Case 2019-015
52.219-8, clause date/heading , (e)(1) and (e)(2)

Amend section 52.219-8 by revising the date of the clause and paragraph (e)(1) and paragraph (e)(2) introductory text.

FAR Case 2023-001
52.219-9, clause date/heading , (c)(2)(i), (c)(2)(ii), (d)(1), (d)(9), (d)(10)(ii), (d)(15), 52.219-9 Alternate II Alternate, 52.219-9 Alternate II (ii), 52.219-9 Alternate II Alternate and 52.219-9 Alternate II (15)

Amend section 52.219-9 by—;

a. Revising the date of the clause and paragraphs (c)(2)(i), (c)(2)(ii) introductory text, (d)(1) introductory text, and (d)(9);

b. Removing from paragraph (d)(10)(ii) “Offeror” and adding “Contractor” in its place;

c. Removing from paragraph (d)(15) “offeror” and adding “Contractor” in its place;

d. In Alternate III: i. Revising the date of the Alternate; and

ii. Removing from paragraph (d)(10)(ii) “Offeror” and adding “Contractor” in its place; and

e. In Alternate IV: i. Revising the date of the Alternate and paragraphs (c)(2)(i), (c)(2)(ii) introductory text, (d)(1) introductory text, and (d)(9); and

ii. Removing from paragraph (d)(15) “offeror” and adding “Contractor” in its place.

FAR Case 2023-001
52.219-28, (c), (f)

Amend section 52.219-28 by—

a. Revising the section heading, clause heading and date, and paragraph (c); and

b. Removing from paragraph (f) “paragraph (b) and (c)” and “office in” and adding “paragraphs (b) and (c)” and “officer in” in their places, respectively.

FAR Case 2020-016
52.222-19, clause date/heading , (d)(2), (d)(3)

Amend section 52.222-19 by—

a. Revising the date of the clause;

b. Removing from paragraph (d)(2) “suspending official” and “Subpart” and adding “suspending and debarring official” and “subpart” in their places, respectively; and

c. Removing from paragraph (d)(3) “The debarring” and “Subpart” and adding “The suspending and debarring” and “subpart” in their places, respectively.

FAR Case 2019-015
52.222-54, clause date/heading , (b)(5)(i) and (b)(5)(ii)

Amend section 52.222-54 by—

a. Revising the date of the clause;

b. Removing from paragraph (b)(5)(i) “suspension or debarment” and adding “suspending and debarring” in its place; and

c. Revising paragraph (b)(5)(ii).

FAR Case 2019-015
52.244-6, clause date/heading and (c)(1)(x)

Amend section 52.244-6 by—

a. Revising the date of the clause; and

b. Removing from paragraph (c)(1)(x) “(FEB 2024)” and adding “(JAN 2025)” in its place.

FAR Case 2023-001

Far Parts