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FAC Number: 2025-02
Effective Date: 01/17/2025

Subpart 23.3 - Hazardous Material Identification, Material Safety Data, and Notice of Radioactive Materials

Subpart 23.3 - Hazardous Material Identification, Material Safety Data, and Notice of Radioactive Materials

23.300 Scope of subpart.

This subpart prescribes policies and procedures for the following:

(a) Acquiring deliverable items, other than ammunition and explosives, that require the furnishing of data involving hazardous materials. Agencies may prescribe special procedures for ammunition and explosives.

(b) Providing notification of radioactive materials prior to delivery.

23.301 Definition.

Hazardous material is defined in the latest version of Federal Standard No. 313 Federal Standards are sold to the public and Federal agencies through:

General Services Administration, Specifications Unit (3FBP-W), 7th & D Sts., SW., Washington, DC 20407.

23.302 Hazardous material identification and notice of material safety data.

(a) The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is responsible for issuing and administering regulations that require Government activities to apprise their employees of-

(1) All hazards to which they may be exposed;

(2) Relative symptoms and appropriate emergency treatment; and

(3) Proper conditions and precautions for safe use and exposure.

(b) To accomplish this objective, it is necessary to obtain certain information relative to the hazards which may be introduced into the workplace by the supplies being acquired. Accordingly, offerors and contractors are required to submit hazardous materials data whenever the supplies being acquired are identified as hazardous materials. The latest version of Federal Standard No. 313 (Material Safety Data Sheet, Preparation and Submission of) includes criteria for identification of hazardous materials.

(c) Hazardous material data (Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)) are required-

(1) As specified in the latest version of Federal Standard No. 313 (including revisions adopted during the term of the contract);

(2) For any other material designated by a Government technical representative as potentially hazardous and requiring safety controls.

(d) MSDS’s must be submitted-

(1) By the apparent successful offeror prior to contract award if hazardous materials are expected to be used during contract performance.

(2) For agencies other than the Department of Defense, again by the contractor with the supplies at the time of delivery.

(e) The contracting officer shall provide a copy of all MSDS’s received to the safety officer or other designated individual.

23.303 Notice of radioactive materials.

(a) The clause at 52.223-7, Notice of Radioactive Materials, requires the contractor to notify the contracting officer prior to delivery of radioactive material.

(b) Upon receipt of the notice, the contracting officer shall notify receiving activities so that appropriate safeguards can be taken.

(c) The clause permits the contracting officer to waive the notification if the contractor states that the notification on prior deliveries is still current. The contracting officer may waive the notice only after consultation with cognizant technical representatives.

(d) The contracting officer is required to specify in the clause at 52.223-7, the number of days in advance of delivery that the contractor will provide notification. The determination of the number of days should be done in coordination with the installation/facility radiation protection officer (RPO). The RPO is responsible for ensuring the proper license, authorization, or permit is obtained prior to receipt of the radioactive material.

23.304 Contract clauses.


(1) The contracting officer shall insert the clause at 52.223-3, Hazardous Material Identification and Material Safety Data, in solicitations and contracts if the contract will require the delivery of hazardous materials as defined in 23.301.

(2) If the contract is awarded by an agency other than the Department of Defense, the contracting officer shall use the clause at 52.223-3 with its Alternate I.

(b) The contracting officer shall insert the clause at 52.223-7, Notice of Radioactive Materials, in solicitations and contracts for supplies that are or that contain—

(1) Radioactive material requiring specific licensing under regulations issued pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954; or

(2) Radioactive material not requiring specific licensing in which the specific activity is greater than 0.002 microcuries per gram or the activity per item equals or exceeds 0.01 microcuries. Such supplies include, but are not limited to, aircraft, ammunition, missiles, vehicles, electronic tubes, instrument panel gauges, compasses, and identification markers.

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