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FAC Number: 2025-02
Effective Date: 01/17/2025

4.1301 Policy.

4.1301 Policy.

(a) Agencies must follow FIPS PUB Number 201 and the associated OMB implementation guidance for personal identity verification for all affected contractor and subcontractor personnel when contract performance requires contractors to have routine physical access to a Federally-controlled facility and/or routine access to a Federally-controlled information system.

(b) Agencies must include their implementation of FIPS PUB 201 and OMB Guidance M-05-24 in solicitations and contracts that require the contractor to have routine physical access to a Federally-controlled facility and/or routine access to a Federally-controlled information system.

(c) Agencies must designate an official responsible for verifying contractor employee personal identity.


(1) Agency procedures for the return of Personal Identity Verification (PIV) products shall ensure that Government contractors account for all forms of Government-provided identification issued to Government contractor employees under a contract, i.e., the PIV cards or other similar badges, and shall ensure that contractors return such identification to the issuing agency as soon as any of the following occurs, unless otherwise determined by the agency:

(i) When no longer needed for contract performance.

(ii) Upon completion of a contractor employee’s employment.

(iii) Upon contract completion or termination.

(2) The contracting officer may delay final payment under a contract if the contractor fails to comply with these requirements.

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