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FAC Number: 2025-02
Effective Date: 01/17/2025

23.103 Policy.

23.103 Policy.

(a) Agencies shall procure sustainable products and services (as defined in 2.101) to the maximum extent practicable.

(1) Procuring sustainable products and services is considered practicable, unless the agency cannot acquire products or services—

(i) Competitively within a reasonable performance schedule;

(ii) That meet reasonable performance requirements; or

(iii) At a reasonable price (see 23.103(a)(2)).

(2) When considering whether the price of a sustainable product is reasonable, agencies should consider whether the product is cost-effective over the life of the product. For ENERGY STAR® or Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP)-designated products, a price is reasonable if it is cost-effective over the life of the product taking energy cost savings into account ( 42 U.S.C. 8259b(b)(2)). Life-cycle cost savings tools for energy-efficient products are available at​buildings/​save_​energy_​commercial_​buildings/​ways_​save/​energy_​efficient_​products and​analysis/​tech-lcoe.html.

(b) When procuring sustainable products and services, agencies shall

(1) Ensure compliance with applicable statutory purchasing program requirements (see 23.107); and

(2) Prioritize multi-attribute sustainable products and services (see 23.104(c)(2)).

(c) Regarding products under contract actions for services or construction, the contractor is required to provide products that meet the definition of sustainable products and services at 2.101, if the products are—

(1) Delivered to the Government;

(2) Furnished by the contractor for use by the Government;

(3) Incorporated into the construction of a public building or public work; or

(4) Acquired by the contractor for use in performing services under a Government contract where the cost of the products is a direct cost to a Government contract (versus costs which are normally applied to a contractor's general and administrative expenses or indirect costs).

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