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FAC Number: 2025-02
Effective Date: 01/17/2025

22.404-8 Notification of improper wage determination before award.

22.404-8 Notification of improper wage determination before award.

(a) The following written notifications by the Department of Labor shall be effective immediately without regard to 22.404-6 if received by the contracting officer prior to award:

(1) A solicitation includes the wrong wage determination or the wrong rate schedule; or

(2) A wage determination is withdrawn by the Administrative Review Board.

(b) In sealed bidding, the contracting officer shall proceed in accordance with the following:

(1) If the notification of an improper wage determination for the primary site of the work reaches the contracting officer before bid opening, the contracting officer shall postpone the bid opening date, if necessary, to allow a reasonable time to-

(i) Obtain the appropriate determination if a new wage determination is required;

(ii) Amend the solicitation to incorporate the determination (or rate schedule); and

(iii) Permit bidders to amend their bids. If the appropriate wage determination does not change any wage rates and would not warrant amended bids, the contracting officer shall amend the solicitation to include the number and date of the new determination.

(2) If the notification of an improper wage determination for the primary site of the work reaches the contracting officer after bid opening but before award, the contracting officer shall delay awarding the contract, if necessary, and if required, obtain the appropriate wage determination. The appropriate wage determination shall be processed in accordance with 22.404-5(b)(2)(i) or (ii).

(c) In negotiated acquisitions, the contracting officer shall delay award, if necessary, and process the notification of an improper wage determination for the primary site of the work in the manner prescribed for a new wage determination at 22.404-5(c)(3).

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