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FAC Number: 2025-02
Effective Date: 01/17/2025

22.404-4 Solicitations issued without wage determinations for the primary site of the work.

22.404-4 Solicitations issued without wage determinations for the primary site of the work.

(a) If a solicitation is issued before the wage determination for the primary site of the work is obtained, a notice shall be included in the solicitation that the schedule of minimum wage rates to be paid under the contract will be issued as an amendment to the solicitation.

(b) In sealed bidding, bids may not be opened until a reasonable time after the wage determination for the primary site of the work has been furnished to all bidders.

(c) In negotiated acquisitions, the contracting officer may open proposals and conduct negotiations before obtaining the wage determination for the primary site of the work. However, the contracting officer shall incorporate the wage determination for the primary site of the work into the solicitation before submission of best and final offers.

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