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FAC Number: 2025-02
Effective Date: 01/17/2025

22.403-6 Department of Labor regulations involving construction.

22.403-6 Department of Labor regulations involving construction.

(a) Under the statutes and Executive orders referred to in 22.403 and Reorganization Plan No. 14 of 1950 (3 CFR 1949-53 Comp., p. 1007), the Secretary of Labor has issued regulations in Title 29, Subtitle A, Code of Federal Regulations, prescribing standards and procedures to be observed by the Department of Labor and the Federal contracting agencies. Those standards and procedures applicable to contracts involving construction are implemented in this subpart.

(b) The Department of Labor regulations include-

(1) Part  1, relating to Construction Wage Rate Requirements statute minimum wage rates;

(2) Part  3, relating to the Copeland (Anti-Kickback) Act and requirements for submission of weekly statements of compliance and the preservation and inspection of weekly payroll records;

(3) Part  5, relating to enforcement of the–

(i) Construction Wage Rate Requirements statute;

(ii) Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards statute; and

(iii) Copeland (Anti-Kickback) Act;

(4) Part  6, relating to rules of practice for appealing the findings of the Administrator, Wage and Hour Division, in enforcement cases under the various labor statutes, and by which Administrative Law Judge hearings are held;

(5) Part  7, relating to rules of practice by which contractors and other interested parties may appeal to the Department of Labor Administrative Review Board, decisions issued by the Administrator, Wage and Hour Division, or administrative law judges under the various labor statutes;

(6) Part  10, relating to establishing a minimum wage for Federal contractors; and

(7) Part  13, relating to establishing paid sick leave for Federal contractors.

(c) Refer all questions relating to the application and interpretation of wage determinations (including the classifications therein) and the interpretation of the Department of Labor regulations in this subsection to the Administrator, Wage and Hour Division.

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